Apparently Texas has all of the snow this year, so we'll have our summer activities in Idaho a little earlier than usual.
We have this great park down by the lake.
We took Olivia down for a little fun.
There was swinging and fake car driving.
Walking under things.
And the exciting game of crawl through a tunnel, crawl back through a tunnel, sit at the end of the tunnel, pose at the end of the tunnel, get stuck in the tunnel, have mom help you get unstuck from the tunnel. You know, like we all used to play when we were kids?
She even started going down the slide by herself! By far the favorite park activity.
The lake was so glassy and calm.
As you can see from the empty stroller, Olivia doesn't exactly like being strolled around anymore.
Olivia learning how to say "light". Or... "aigh" as she likes to say...