I was showing pictures from my camera and mentioned I had a few of Elaina and Flavor Flav. Shawnae said, "What's a Flavor Flav? Is it a costume or something?" I guess Flav isn't a fixture on the 4 channels available in Grays Lake, ID.
She stayed at our house that night and camped out in the back yard. ** EDITORS NOTE ** Yes, I offered one of our spare bedrooms. She was pretty gung-ho about camping in the backyard. I offered up the hospitality, though, of turning the sprinklers off. That's how I roll!
I had fun talking with her. We haven't spent much time together besides the annual Thanksgiving catch up. Her and Bryce are a lot of fun and I hope we get to see them more often.


The backyard is coming along nicely. We (Elaina) did a lot of work on it his week. She picked out 20 new plants, positioned them perfectly, and dug all the holes. I mowed the lawn and then helped dig about 5 holes. I'll go ahead and take 3% credit. Look how nice it looks:

Then.... the other side. A few months ago we brought in a dumptruck load of dirt. After building up the backyard we went on vacation for about 10 days. We came back to weed-fest 2007:

We have a bit more to do.
We finally have the boat back after 10 days in the shop. We found a friend of a friend to fix the upholstery and make a few new seats for the back. While picking up the boat we were chatting with her and talking about the dogs. She is telling us a funny story and then lays down a total racist comment! N word and everything!
All of the sudden the laughter stops... crickets are chirping. The silence was finally broken when I said, "well, we have to go". Then we left.
As we climbed into the car Elaina and I gave each other the 'what the hell was that' look.
I always tell myself I'm going to say something when this happens. This was so out of the blue I couldn't wrap my brain around it fast enough. I was shocked! I wish I would have said something.
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