My cousin's wife, Shawnae (I know I butchered the spelling) called out of the blue last night. She is in town for an educational conference and wanted to hang out. We went to the Wine Cellar to watch her nephew play harmonica in a band. They were really good. Harmonica playing is a huge mystery to me. How do they do it???
I was showing pictures from my camera and mentioned I had a few of Elaina and Flavor Flav. Shawnae said, "What's a Flavor Flav? Is it a costume or something?" I guess Flav isn't a fixture on the 4 channels available in Grays Lake, ID.
She stayed at our house that night and camped out in the back yard. ** EDITORS NOTE ** Yes, I offered one of our spare bedrooms. She was pretty gung-ho about camping in the backyard. I offered up the hospitality, though, of turning the sprinklers off. That's how I roll!
I had fun talking with her. We haven't spent much time together besides the annual Thanksgiving catch up. Her and Bryce are a lot of fun and I hope we get to see them more often.
The backyard is coming along nicely. We (Elaina) did a lot of work on it his week. She picked out 20 new plants, positioned them perfectly, and dug all the holes. I mowed the lawn and then helped dig about 5 holes. I'll go ahead and take 3% credit. Look how nice it looks:
Then.... the other side. A few months ago we brought in a dumptruck load of dirt. After building up the backyard we went on vacation for about 10 days. We came back to weed-fest 2007:
We have a bit more to do.
We finally have the boat back after 10 days in the shop. We found a friend of a friend to fix the upholstery and make a few new seats for the back. While picking up the boat we were chatting with her and talking about the dogs. She is telling us a funny story and then lays down a total racist comment! N word and everything!
All of the sudden the laughter stops... crickets are chirping. The silence was finally broken when I said, "well, we have to go". Then we left.
As we climbed into the car Elaina and I gave each other the 'what the hell was that' look.
I always tell myself I'm going to say something when this happens. This was so out of the blue I couldn't wrap my brain around it fast enough. I was shocked! I wish I would have said something.
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