I should have heeded Elaina's advice when dipping from the sample bowl of salsa at our local deli. But it's soooo good! I couldn't resist! I have partaken from said sample bowl dozens of times in the past.
I have never had food poisoning before and I hope to never have it again. This was the worst 24 hours of my life. Well, second worst.
It reminded me of the time that Elaina and I both had a horrible flu at the same time. Charlie was just a puppy then and was barely housebroken in our apartment in Coeur D' Alene.
We were so sick and so exhausted we just laid in misery. We had a serious discussion about just letting Charlie go on the floor and deal with the consequences later. Nothing sounds worse when you have the flu than taking your dog outside to pee. Not to mention that going outside means 15 degrees, down the stairs, and standing there while your dog sniffs for 25 minutes before finding the perfect spot to hike his leg.
Later that night I decided we needed some medicine from the store. In perfect health you can make a round trip from Albertsons in about 15 minutes. My trip took about 45 minutes. I was so exhausted that after five minutes of driving I had to pull over and take a little nap. Then I pulled into Albertsons and had to take a little rest. My Zombie walk to the medicine isle seemed to take forever. I think I scared little children along the way.
When I finally returned home Elaina had wondered if I died along the way, but was too sick to care.
We were laying in bed complaining about our misery and it suddenly turned funny. We laughed so hard it nearly made both of us pass out. That must have been the moment I knew Elaina was the girl for me.
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