Sunday, February 28, 2010

We're at the park .... in Februay ... In North Idaho

Apparently Texas has all of the snow this year, so we'll have our summer activities in Idaho a little earlier than usual.

We have this great park down by the lake.

We took Olivia down for a little fun.

There was swinging and fake car driving.

Walking under things.

And the exciting game of crawl through a tunnel, crawl back through a tunnel, sit at the end of the tunnel, pose at the end of the tunnel, get stuck in the tunnel, have mom help you get unstuck from the tunnel.  You know, like we all used to play when we were kids?

She even started going down the slide by herself!  By far the favorite park activity.

The lake was so glassy and calm.

As you can see from the empty stroller, Olivia doesn't exactly like being strolled around anymore.

Olivia learning how to say "light".  Or... "aigh" as she likes to say...

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Is it lunch or is it a crime scene?

We thought it would be a good time to let Olivia feed herself with a spoon.  And by WE, I mean Elaina... and by Elaina I mean Elaina starting the process 5 minutes before leaving for work.

Thanks sweetie!




She cleans up nicely though....

Monday, February 22, 2010

Thank you for visiting ... now listen to me scream

My parents came up for a weekend visit.  We spent most of the time up at Schweitzer and had a really good time.  As per usual I forgot the memory card in my camera for most of the trip.  Luckily mom always has her camera and was kind enough to let me use some of her pictures.  

Olivia had some nice Grampy and Grammy time.

We had a little ping pong tournament.  Turns out my dad is quite the ping ponger.  Mom claims to have some pong skills, but she “broke” her fingers and had to “wear” a cast.  (YES…  those are exaggerated quotes to highlight  Austin Powers quote fingers).

We also took a fun hike behind our place.  Charlie even had a good time as seen by his photogenic smile.

Olivia was tuckered out.  Must be tiring having someone carry you up a mountain.

Or… maybe it’s tiring to do the carrying.

Later that night we walked around the village.  Little missy is trucking around now!

Strutting her stuff action video:

Olivia did some posing… Elaina did some sledding… we had a great weekend.

The next morning we took an adventurous nature drive hoping to spot a moose.  Instead, we found a Silence of the Lambs-ish, serial killer-ish house. 

In case you were wondering if that is a creepy mannequin in an old rusty car…. You are correct.  Enjoy your nightmares.

The next weekend, Olivia had a sleepover with her Kimmel cousins.  She loves some cousin time.

Olivia had a great time with everyone....during the day.   But at night she treated ALL of our overnight guests to midnight angelic melodies such as “my teeth are coming in”, “My diaper is heavy”,  and “mommy come snuggle me at 3:45 in the morning”.

I hope everyone has recovered.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Please Mommy ... Don't Go!

Is this the saddest thing you have ever seen? Olivia has been a little clingy to mommy lately. She will sometimes give a heartbreaking peer through the dogdoor as Elaina leaves for the gym.

I can't imagine what this must look like from the other side of the door.

Dinner time is usually right around the corner though.... dinner makes her happy... wonder where she gets that from?
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Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Do these goggles make my face look small?

Seriously! Look at these things? How do you even find goggles to fit Andre the Giant? I wore them up to Sweitzer over the weekend for a day of snowboarding.
Such a great day.  Just me and my headphones.
Nice views of the lake...
For some reason I think I can magically snowboard better and faster when I'm listening to music.  Is it just me?  No wonder Rocky beat the Russian in Rocky 4.  I'm pretty sure it was from listening to Eye of the Tiger.
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Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Gray's Anatomy

Little missy is getting pretty good at the body parts!