Monday, May 3, 2010

Bloomsday 2010

Or as I like to call it, the ultimate chafe.  We brought Olivia to her 2nd annual Bloomsday 12K (7.4 Mile) run walk.  We are going to see how many Bloomsdays in a row she can get a shirt. 

Elaina and I were discussing how ticked we’ll be after a good 15 year streak and then Olivia will be too cool to do it.  Little does she know my love of a good streak so I am already prepared for the battle.


See!  It’s already started.  She must be contemplating the cold start.CIMG6726


We started the day in the back of the pack with the strollers and wheelchairs.  I’m pretty sure out of the 50,000 participants we started in the 49,000 spot and experienced road rage while moving past people.CIMG6732


Olivia was pretty content for the 2 hr 20 minute walk.  We had to switch her from stroller to shoulders to stroller to other shoulders for a while, but it worked out fine.  CIMG6740 CIMG6741 CIMG6748 CIMG6759CIMG6752CIMG6789


In case you are wondering, no we did not decide before taking this shot to open our mouths slightly in a crooked direction.  Although I ‘m keeping it in mind for future events.CIMG6750  


Olivia didn’t notice these gorillas walking next to her.  I’m sure that during the first few miles a gorilla outfit seems funny and whimsical, but around mile three you have to really start questioning your judgment when the itching and sweating kicks in.CIMG6768


This is Doomsday hill.  Everyone dreads this portion which is about 4.5 miles into the race.CIMG6776 CIMG6779


There is even a vulture at the top to greet you.  Which Olivia also didn’t seem to notice.CIMG6785 


The finish line and a few sprinkles of rain.CIMG6791


Followed by some obligatory play at the giant red wagon.CIMG6794


As usual it was an interesting mix of people.  My favorite was this lady who was practically speed-walking.  She was yelling at her 6 year old girl for not keeping up. 

“C’mon Parker… keep up!”

“But mom I’m tired”

“I told you not to use all of your energy at the beginning….. c’mon!”

And I started thinking.  Mom’s right.  That little girl should have probably paid more attention to her first grade edition of ‘How to run a 12K’.  She probably focused only on the chapters about cadence, nutrition, and running wear.  She must have totally skipped the chapter on energy conservation.

So the lesson learned is to focus on the conserving energy chapter or your mom will yell at you.

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